Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Chicken Chimichangas

Well another Cinco de Mayo has come and gone. The food was awesome! We had Chicken Chimichangas, Cheese Enchiladas, and some beans and rice for dinner for Cinco de Mayo. Yeah, we forgot about margaritas. (hangs head in shame) but, at least we had Mexican food that was loved by the whole family (well except for the youngest daughter, she doesn't like most anything, oh well). So here is the Chicken Chimichanga recipe first and tomorrow will be the Cheese Enchilada recipe. Enjoy!

Chicken Chimichangas

2 chicken breasts, boneless and skinless
Taco Seasoning (I used Costco taco seasoning and just sprinkled it on the chicken)
1 3.5 oz can of green chiles
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
6 flour tortillas (large tortillas)
Vegetable oil

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Sprinkle chicken with taco seasoning. (I sprinkled lightly because I wanted more of the flavors to come out with the whole dish rather than just totally taco flavor) Bake chicken for 20 minutes. Turn over and sprinkle taco seasoning on other side of chicken. Bake another 20 minutes. Let chicken cool. Cut into thin slices or shred with forks.

To the chicken, add the green chiles and cheese. Mix well. Heat tortillas slightly so they are easy to fold. (usually about 30 seconds in the microwave). Spoon some filling directly into middle of tortilla. Fold the farthest side first over the filling, then fold the ends into the middle, then roll it up. The ends should be completely closed.

Heat oil until water sizzles when drops hit the oil. Make sure chimichanga is halfway submerged, fold side down when you first put the chimichanga in the oil.

Let cook for 2 minutes and turn over and cook another 2 minutes.

Drain on paper towels.

Garnish with sour cream, guacamole, diced tomatoes, salsa, or whatever you like on your Mexican food.

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Mindy said...

These look great! Even better than the taquitos I was craving the other day... ;-)

Heidi said...

Super YUM!

kadler said...

That looks so delicious! I miss Mexican food so much :)

Anonymous said...

This looks wonderful. Wish I was there :)

Rico said...

look great and colourful too :) xx Rico-Recipes

Bergamot said...

This is nice recipe. It surely looks good :-)

krissy said...

yum, that looks good!

Tangled Noodle said...

Everyday can be CDM with this dish - looks delicious!

Salt N Turmeric said...

There used to be a tex-mex restaurant in Kuala Lumpur that serves these and Id order them everytime I went there. And then they went bust! lol.

Thank you for recipe. It sounds easy enough for me.