Well, this has been quite the experience of my first giveaway. The prize is a great cookbook called Picture Yourself Cooking with Your Kids by Beth Sheresh and it looks like a fantastic book.
I botched things up though and mislabeled the entries and so we have 2 winners. I am not going to be dishonest and put another's name on the number when I already announced it, so I am just going to be the bigger person and admit to making a mistake and award both people as they are both deserving winners.
So Comment #39 won, and I labeled it as Judy Brittle, when it should have been Jill Page. They both win! I figured that I would give one of them my signed copy of the cookbook since I did screw up, but Beth Sheresh is such the awesome person that she is, is still going to give me my book and award and ship 2 books to 2 winners. How is that for such a nice person. You must visit her sites and get her book. Here are the links to her sites and to her book:
Kitchen Mage She has the most tasty looking Pomegranate Limoncello Sorbet pictured and posted on her site. YUMMY!
A Year in Bread is a site where she co-writes with 2 other great people about bread, very yummy site!
Picture Yourself Cooking with Your Kids which has the direct link to go buy Beth's book, and a bunch of yummy stuff on her site there.
Thanks again for everyone who entered and thank you to Beth for giving away 3 books total, you are awesome!
To the winners, we have already had one (Jill, thanks) claim her prize and I am now waiting for the other winner to claim her prize within 48 hours simply by emailing me back.
What's for Dinner: February 9 - February 15
4 days ago
Hi! I was the original winner of your cookbook giveaway. I did send an email hours ago and just sent one now. Please tell Beth that she does not need to send me the cookbook. In all fairness I was not the winner and
Jill should receive the cookbook. I know mistakes can happen and I fully understand. I just want to thank you for the giveaway!
Judy, I still want you to have the cookbook, your name was on the ticket with the wrong post number which is screw up on my part, so 2 winners! To me, that is fair! Besides you both deserve a book and thank you for playing. SO yes you will get a book and I will not let you refuse it LOL
Happy Mothers Day my friend.... Congrats to both of the lucky winners!!!
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