Well I was surprised that my husband baked cupcakes the other day, so I gave him a nickname since he voiced his opinion about getting more into the kitchen. I call him.... The Cooking Dad! So here I am to introduce him to the world, my partner in culinary adventures, he is the silence behind the grill... The Cooking Dad!
This was his first time ever baking cupcakes (him and the kids wanted something sweet). He used a cupcake mix, but that was ok since it was his first time. He added chocolate chips to the chocolate cupcake mix and they turned out really good. He even frosted them himself. WOW!
This is what he made... ooooo daring aren't we...
And, here he is mixing...
And filling the cups...
And, eating... licking the spoon... he always does this to me when I bake, he hovers waiting for me to not be paying attention and then snitches samples. Ummmmm Honey, back to baking the cupcakes...
Frosting the cupcakes...
Looking very proud of himself... he did a good job! Note the little hands trying to reach up and grab cupcakes, she just couldn't wait...
And, last but not least...One very satisfied customer! How sweet, he even put sprinkles on her cupcake.. what a great daddy!!
So I guess what this tells us is that Dads can cook and they can bake, but only when they want to... But, now the monster has been created and now he wants more kitchen time, what is a girl to do? Teach him how to make wonderful and edible food! Thanks for letting me introduce my hubby Richard, The Cooking Dad! Just one thing... he is a truck driver... sure wouldn't want any of his rough and tough truck driving buddies knowing he could be Mr. Betty Crocker. I can just see the razzing now; and, that makes me laugh even harder!
And, it also tells me that I better not forget NaBloPoMo until the last minute ever again! Whew... got it in. I was sitting here waiting for my giveaway to be over and realized... Shoot! I have not done my blog post for today, I almost blew it! I had planned on this post anyway but not so fast, I was trying to plan it better but this is how it came out! Thanks for sticking with me, and I hope you got as good of a laugh as I did just watching him. But, he did great!!
What's for Dinner: February 9 - February 15
4 days ago
Yeah for cooking dad! Nice touch with the sprinkles!
Haha! My husband is a great cook (he's usually in charge of Asian and Italian in our house), but doesn't have a lot of time for it, so I do most of the cooking. He does not bake, though, and I don't think I've ever seen him bake anything besides pizza! ;-) I've given up thinking I'll get a birthday cake ever again...
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